Wednesday, August 13, 2014


Since I started this blog shortly after Samantha's birth the blog has taken a few directions.  It started out simply as a way for me to keep in touch with our families back home about how we were doing since we are so far away.  Then, I discovered the world of activity blogging and decided to try my hand at it.  After a while however, I realized that that type of blogging just isn't for me.  I was feeling obligated to come up with all these wonderful activities and it was just so overwhelming.  Sure the kids had fun doing everything (and we still do tons of activities) but it's a lot to jot down recipes, take pictures, and get it all up on the blog.  Frankly, for me, it just wasn't fun so I stopped posting all together.  I've really missed blogging though and want to get back into it.  It needs to be fun though!  What I've decided to do, for now, is sort of a mix of the two.  It will be things going on with us, random thoughts of things going on in the world, with activities and fun stuff mixed in too.  Hopefully this new format will work out better for me and I'll stick with it.  I'm feeling very positive!

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