I have got to say, I am so happy 2014 is over and I can start fresh with 2015. Don't get me wrong, 2014 has been an amazing year. Almost one year ago we found out we were expecting Eliza, and although my pregnancy was considered high risk, it was remarkably easy, and now we have a precious 3.5 month old baby girl! Samantha turned 3 in April and I turned 30...THIRTY!! Surprisingly that went a lot smoother than I thought it would. We had an amazing July in St. Louis for our family reunion and Chicago visiting my dad. Of course in September, we had Eliza.
The month of December was quite the whirlwind and now I feel like I am SO behind with blogging. I missed Zach's 2 year update and Eliza's 3 month update. I will do them though, I promise! Between Zach's birthday and Christmas I feel like my body was tied to a rope on the back of a speeding train and I was just being dragged along so fast I could never catch my footing. I swear every day there was something to do, presents to wrap, and people to see. I couldn't even think straight! Now that the holidays are over, I feel like I have a grip on things again and my stress level has gone down remarkably. Although the decorations are mostly still up, the toys are almost all put away and the house is somewhat returning to normal. Hooray!!
I have big goals for 2015 including losing weight and getting back in shape. Organizing all my junk and selling/donating/tossing what I don't want. I also plan to work more with Samantha on school work and teaching her to read and write. We may even purchase a pre-k curriculum to homeschool in the fall. So many things to look forward to!
For tonight, we did the Netflix ball drop with the kids and now Chris and I are watching Gilmore Girls in memory of Edward Herrmann. We will hopefully make it until the real ball drops at midnight. ;-)