Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Ah, another Halloween is over and done with.  I've got to say, I LOVE Halloween.  It is so much fun for me to watch Samantha choose who she wants to be and see her face light up as we go trick or treating at each house.  She had so much fun and was great at saying trick or treat!

We went out with our amazing friends from playgroup and had quite the crowd!  Before heading out we had an Orange dinner of mac and cheese, mummy dogs, and a tasty orange drink.

Did you know Snow White is a closet villain?

The princesses!

How cute is Miss A as a Cabbage Patch doll?

Zachie finally conked out!

D was a lifesaver and helped me carry Samantha as well as his own daughter B.

Samantha's loot!

Once we were done with playgroup trick or treating (THANK YOU D for hosting and the amazing dinner!) we hit a few houses in our neighborhood.  One of the houses goes ALL out and has decorations everywhere.  They offered to take a picture for us, but I got cut off!  Oh well!

We hope you all had a happy Halloween too!

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